Which means I don't have to take the final, so that's three A's in a row...as long as I did well on my term paper (which I did on what causes deviance in women), I should end up with an A. Whew.
My boyfriend was looking at me today and got a weird look on his face.
J: "Your face is really skinny."
Me: "...thanks?"
J: "Like...you can really see the weight you've lost..."
Me: "Uh...okay? Thanks. Even though that doesn't sound like a compliment."
J: "Are you...I mean, are you eating?"
Me: "Yeah, I'm totally eating. I eat all the time."
J: "Are you...like...throwing up or anything?"
Me: "No, no. My face gets bloated when I do that, so obviously not."
And then I switched the subject.
He says he can tell that I've lost a bunch of weight.
:) :) :)
I hate being on my period.
I ate pizza today.
Really thought I was going to puke, my stomach has definitely shrunk.
The substance abuse program is going well.
I have anger management tomorrow...that should be interesting.
Tegan and Sara are so cute. Listen to em if you haven't already.
Today...well, yesterday, I guess...was me and my boyfriend's 4 month anniversary.
I love him, but I'm sure the reason we aren't having much sex anymore is because I'm a fucking fat ass. 30 more pounds...
I'm going to go eat, puke, and then take a shower.
I need to shave my legs among other things. XD
I am always so exhausted about 3 hours of therapy.
I really want this as a tattoo: