I am full of love for my boyfriend today, even though he was pretty hurtful earlire in the day. Perhaps it's my lack of sleep or a side effect of the various prescriptions I've been shoving under my tongue...regardless, I am overwhelmed with emotion for him and the idea that I can picture myself marrying him. We've been dating for two months, we are totally unstable, and it's like a tornado meeting a volcano. (Forgive that Eminem reference, but that new song with Rihanna is amazing and pretty much my life.) I don't know if how I feel about him is still the horrible delusion I always seem to fall under whenever I'm dating anyone because I'm so desperate to get married and have children. All of it comes down to the fact that I need to be needed, otherwise I feel utterly worthless. Well, lots of things make me feel worthless...but that's neither here nor there.
I did not weigh myself today because I don't believe in weighing myself on the first day of my period. In fact, I don't believe in the five pounds I've supposedly gained in the last week. I was positively shitting myself when I found out I was back in the 130's (it's been over two years since I was 135, and then got happy-fat with a boyfriend, dumped, then got wine-fat for awhile.)
I worked out really hard today.
My boyfriend is a trainer at Bally's Total Fitness, so he's my new (and FREE!) personal trainer! Hurray!
I'll type out everything we did next time because I'm too high on some Vicodin right now to type it all out. (I had horrible cramps, so my mom gave me some pills.)
Tomorrow...or rather, today, since it's after midnight.
1 - Get an A on my Sociology test.
2 - Stay under 500 calories.
3 - Have at least eight bottles of water.
4 - Get in a solid workout.
5 - Get to bed early.
What J and I did yesterday at the gym:
Lunges - Dumbbell
Set 1: 8 x 15 lbs
Set 2: 8 x 15 lbs
Set 3: 8 x 15 lbs
Set 4: 8 x 15 lbs
Thigh Abductor
Set 1: 15 x 35 lbs
Set 2: 15 x 35 lbs
Set 3: 15 x 35 lbs
Set 4: 15 x 35 lbs
Hip Abductor
Set 1: 15 x 35 lbs
Set 2: 15 x 35 lbs
Set 3: 15 x 35 lbs
Set 4: 15 x 35 lbs
Leg Press
Set 1: 8 x 50 lbs
Set 2: 8 x 50 lbs
Set 3: 8 x 50 lbs
Calf Press - Leg Press Machine
Set 1: 8 x 45 lbs
Set 2: 8 x 45 lbs
Set 3: 8 x 45 lbs
Crunch - Exercise Ball
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
For me, that was a LOT.
I haven't been to the gym, let alone that active at the gym, in years.
He says we're going to start building slowly because I'm new to really training hard.
His last girlfriend he trained at the gym lost 30 pounds in about 2 and a half months.
He says he bets that in two weeks, I will have lost a solid five pounds at LEAST.
I love him. :) Wanna see a picture? Okay, but don't tell anyone I showed you.
Me and Him.
When I had red hair.
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