Thursday, July 22, 2010

Paper Bag.

I got a 96% on my Sociology exam.
Which means I don't have to take the final, so that's three A's in a long as I did well on my term paper (which I did on what causes deviance in women), I should end up with an A. Whew.

My boyfriend was looking at me today and got a weird look on his face.
J: "Your face is really skinny."
Me: "...thanks?"
J: " can really see the weight you've lost..."
Me: "Uh...okay? Thanks. Even though that doesn't sound like a compliment."
J: "Are you...I mean, are you eating?"
Me: "Yeah, I'm totally eating. I eat all the time."
J: "Are up or anything?"
Me: "No, no. My face gets bloated when I do that, so obviously not."

And then I switched the subject.
He says he can tell that I've lost a bunch of weight.
:) :) :)

I hate being on my period.
I ate pizza today.
Really thought I was going to puke, my stomach has definitely shrunk.

The substance abuse program is going well.
I have anger management tomorrow...that should be interesting.

Tegan and Sara are so cute. Listen to em if you haven't already.

Today...well, yesterday, I guess...was me and my boyfriend's 4 month anniversary.
I love him, but I'm sure the reason we aren't having much sex anymore is because I'm a fucking fat ass. 30 more pounds...

I'm going to go eat, puke, and then take a shower.
I need to shave my legs among other things. XD
I am always so exhausted about 3 hours of therapy.

I really want this as a tattoo:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I started therapy today. It's an incredibly intensive program called Pathways to Recovery. I will hopefully meet with the psychiatrist tomorrow so I can get a diagnosis and get on some medication for all of my personality disorder shit. I have to go every single day for 3 hours, and then 3 days a week I have to go to a 12-step program meeting. I'm interested in going to the self-injury/anxiety/depression meeting and the Co-Dependency one, but not so much the AA or NA. I don't belong there, and one of my counselors has already noticed and may switch me over to something called C.O.R.E. instead of what I'm in which is Paths. I just want to get some therapy and medication so I'm not so miserable all the time. You get it.

I am on my period...AGAIN.
This is the third time this month, I think.
It's because I started birth control and then had sex a few days into taking it, so I got all paranoid and took Plan B.
I can't go through another abortion. Who knows if I can even get pregnant again...I can't think about that right now. I'm feeling fragile.

I stole three Vicodin from my mom today to deal with my life.
I am still high and want to sleep...
but I still have to study for my Sociology test tomorrow.

I had a grilled cheese sandwich today, that's it.
Still no appetite.
And this is gross, but I had the WORST GAS today. Not smelly at all, but just a TON.

I really need to go shopping.

I really, really wish I had someone to pay for all my shopping and take me out to dinner. I wish both my boyfriend and I weren't so fucking broke.

I need something new and exciting to happen.
I need a present.
I need seduction.
I need...I need...I need.

I really wish my boyfriend would surprise me right now and just grab my face, run his fingers through my hair, and kiss me soft and long. I want him to kiss me without expecting me to go down on him or have sex with him. I love doing both of those things but I miss the days when someone would kiss me so sweetly...but I shouldn't be thinking about that stuff. I love my boyfriend and I only want him. (Believe me, this is a new feeling for me.) But I just really need some affection and for him to make love to me. I hate saying that because it embarrasses me, or makes me uncomfortable putting it that way. But I really, really need him like that right now. I'm tired of fucking.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just a quick thinspo update before bed.

I'm starting P90X tomorrow.
Very exciting.
I still haven't had much of an appetite. Big smiles!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I love to lose.

Darling followers, I have lots another 3 pounds.
So, I'm at 135.8.
:) Progress.
I've eaten pretty much nothing in days.
Feels great.

I've just got to find a really great way to get rid of this tummy pudge and these huge thighs. I loathe the gym. I'm going to start saving for a bike. :3

I shouldn't have had all that beer last night.
But I didn't feel too badly because I didn't eat a thing all day.
It's getting easier to "forget" to eat.

I wish I knew how to be more feminine.
I want to be pretty, and dainty, and lovely.
But...I don't know.
I feel like a gigantic burly monster.
I'm going to attempt some more make-up stuff tonight...
wish I had a curler.

Things aren't going as well with Boyfriend.
Nothing really bad going on...but I just need a lot more attention than I get.
And today, he was really mean to me for no reason.
I don't know.
We'll see.
I'm tired from taking 60mg of Adderall yesterday.

My boyfriend thinks she's perfect.
Well, I sure don't look like that.
Ergo, I feel disgsuting.

Why am I so jealous of every girl?
It's maddening.

I want to be so many things.
I want to be bad-ass and beautiful.
I want to be fragile and thin.
I want to be unique.
But I am none of these things.


Question to all you lovely ladies:
When you're feeling particularly ugly/fat, what do you do to make yourself feel really, really pretty?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Who needs to sleep?

Apparently, not me.
The last week...I don't know what it is.
Maybe too much caffeine?
I just cannot sleep.
Or, conversely, I'll be exhausted and sleep 15 hours.
I'll talk to the doctor about that.

I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow.
I haven't eaten much in awhile, and it feels like I've lost weight.
Cross your fingers...

Speaking of the doctor...
I went to the mental health place.
I was shaking the whole time, because I was so scared of looking crazy, so scared of them calling a 5150 on me and locking me up.
But, they didn't!
In fact, I have to go back tomorrow to a different place next door and talk to some doctors about outpatient treatment for my...whatever I have.
I'm really excited about it.
Maybe I won't have to feel all this irrational rage and anxiety.
Maybe can actually...I don't know.
I don't know what I'm hoping for.

All I know is that I am working really hard to lose weight.
I'm putting so much effort into school.
All I want is to eat Adderall, drink Diet Coke, and smoke cigarettes.
All day, every day.

If you haven't seen the documentary "Thin", by HBO, you MUST watch it. Seriously.
A few of the girls from it have died already...which is sad. =/
Just watch it.

Goal for today:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Where Have I Been?


1. 138.8lbs (Down 2lbs! But I still haven't pooped. Hmm.)
2. Back together with my ex.
3. Going in for a psych evaluation tomorrow.

I really feel like I'm losing my mind.
I might be committed for a few days, and that doesn't seem like the worst idea anymore.

I feel like I'm coming undone.

I'm just...I don't know.

Everything is just too overwhelming right now.

Adderall and Klonopin from the boyfriend. (I luff him.)

I wonder how my evaluation will go.
I'm not going to mention the eating disorder, but just all the Borderline Personality Disorder stuff...

I think my goal by next Monday is to have lost another five pounds.
One meal a day.

Maybe the medications will help...Topamax is supposed to make you lose weight, so maybe I can get that one.

Tomorrow to do:
1. Go get Medi-Cal
2. Go get psych evaluation
3. Chores
4. Research paper
5. Gym

Goodnight, lovelies.